Agate is a banded chalcedony, found in nodules or geodes in volcanic rocks. Agate can be found in a var
Agate can occur in many different forms and colours . Our selection offers you Blue Lace Agate, Dendritic Agate, Crazy Lace Agate, Moss Agate ,Aqua Agate,
Agate is a form of fibrous chalcedony with layers of quartzine formed when silica rich groundwater percolated into cavities within igneous rocks . It is often deposited in concentric layers, therefore exhibiting a banded pattern . It is named after the Achates River in Sicily , where it is thought the first deposits were found.
It is the birthstone for Gemini , Pisces , Aries .May help balance emotional and physical energies. It is a popular talisman for protection, good fortune, and good health,may promote inner stability, composure, and maturity.

Amber is often called 'The Gold of the North' - formed over 50 million years ago. Amber is the solidified resin from ancient pine trees. Many of these pine forests died, became covered by sediments and submerged by the Baltic sea.The heat and pressure of the overlying sediment transformed the resin into Amber. Some amber pieces have inclusions of plants or insects, which were trapped in the sticky resin and subsequently fossilised. Sometimes Amber may be washed up on the coast from deposits under the sea. It is also mined in areas far from the sea, indicating that those areas were submerged at some point in geological history. The colour varies from pale yellow, to a golden colour, to a rare deep blue or black. It has been used for millennia as a decorative stone – both in jewellery and to decorate other objects. The oldest Amber dates back to the Carboniferous period, 320 million years ago. Amber formed 150 million years ago in the Cretaceous often has insect inclusions, as the inclusions were trapped in the pine resin. The Amber used by Outrage jewellers originates in the Baltic.
The Ancient Romans believed that small Amber pieces were the tears of the Gods. It was also thought that somehow the suns ray`s were captured in the Amber, what a lovely idea!
Amber was one of the commodities traded along the famous "Amber Road" , which lead from the Baltic to the Mediterranean , and then onto the " Silk Route" to the East.
A birthstone for Aries and Leo, it is said to promote courage , vitality and personal growth.

Amethyst is a silicate mineral with traces of iron . Amethyst forms when silica rich solutions enter cavities, evaporate and form beautiful crystals . In the right conditions the iron in the crystals is irradiated , so producing the rich purple colour of the stone. The crystals are often found in strange shaped rock nodules called geodes. These can be larger than a human and once carefully broken open reveal the purple treasure inside. Many huge pieces are found in Brazil .
Amethyst was hightly prized in Medieval times and became known as the regal stone due to its intense rich purple colour.
Amethyst is the birthstone for Aquarius and Pisces. It is said to protect the wearer, relieve negativity and even prevent drunkenness!
This suggestion dates back to the times of the Ancient Greeks , who fashioned drinking vessels from Amethyst, believing it would protect against drunkenness However, perhaps some desception was involved, as the vessels could be filled with water , but the colour of the Amethyst made it appear that they were filled with red wine, and therefore you would not get intoxicated !

Aquamarine is a Beryllium , aluminium silicate . It is named after the Latin for water `aqua` and sea `marina`, due to its marine blue colour. The hues of Aquamarine range from a pale blue to a vivid deep blue.
Aquamarines are found in rocks called pegmatites. As magma inside the Earth cooled and solidified , water was trapped in some of the cavities. Eventually the chemicals dissolved in these water pockets grew to form crystals. Originally discovered in 1792 in Siberia , however the main producer now is Brazil.
It was known as the Treasure of the Mermaidsor the Tears of Mermaids and was worn by seafarers to keep them safe and to prevent sea sickness. It is a calming, soothing stone, said to bring happpiness and longer lasting youth !
It was also said to have a positive effect on relationships when worn by couples.
Birthstone for Pisces and Aries.
Many highter value Aquamarines are cut into facetted gemstones ,we offer paler Aquamarines which are smooth cabochon cut.

Aventurine is a quartzite , formed by the process of metamorphosis , when intense heat and pressure within the Earth melted silica and mica minerals . Upon cooling they morphed together to create Aventurine.
Aventurine was regarded by many ancient cultures as one of the luckiest gemstones , and was often carried in the left pocket for extra power . It was thought to bring new opportunities in life.
Aventurine is said to increase perception , creativity , release negativity and calm anxiety. It is the stone of good luck. The birthstone for Cancer and Virgo.

Bloodstone Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a variety of jasper or chalcedony. The “classic” bloodstone is green jasper with red inclusions of haematite. The red inclusions are supposed to resemble spots of blood; hence the name “bloodstone”. The name “heliotrope” derives from various ancient beliefs about the manner in which the mineral reflects light. Ancient warriors carried bloodstone amulets to stop the bleeding of wounds. The Babylonians and Egyptians, believed bloodstone could help them defeat their enemies by increasing their own personal strength. It was also thought to make people invisible. As the name suggests, this stone is thought to be good for blood purification and detoxification and can also strengthen mental vitality.

Blue John
Blue John is quite a rare varity of Fluorite which is mined in The Derbyshire Peak District of England.
Blue John is a purple blue variety of Fluorite , mined exclusively in the Castleton area of Derbyshire . It was formed largely during the Carboniferous geological period , 350 million years ago , from highly saline solutions , seeping into rocks deep below the surface and crystallizing there .
The Derbyshire region relied on the mining of Blue John , since its discovery in 1766, as it became very popular during the Victorian period due to its beautiful colourations and patterns.
It is a birthstone for Pisces and Capricorn . It may calm anxiety , bring clarity , strengthen compassion and respect.

Carnelian is a form of chalcedony formed as a result of lavas cooling rapidly after volcanic eruptions. Due to this rapid cooling crystals are not able to grow therefore it is a microcrystalline quartz stone.
It has been found in Bronze Age sites dating 1800B.C. Carnelian was used by the Romans to create individually designed signet or seal rings. Sealed documents had the senders emblem stamped into the wax. Sometimes called Cornelian from the Latin cornum for the cornel cherry whose friuts it resembles. It was worn as amulets by ancient warriors to increase courage and physical power. The Ancient Egyptions believed Carnelian had powers in the afterlife , hence it has been found in many ancient tombs.
It is the birthstone for Virgo, Leo and Aries. Said to bring stability , stimulate motivation , develop self belief and success.

Charoite is formed by the process of Contact Metamorphism , where pre existing limestone and marble rocks are altered by intense heat and pressure. Charoite is a complex silicate mineral which has a vibrant purple colour and is found almost exclusively around the Chara River in Siberia, from which it gets its name. It is a recently discovered gemstone, first located in 1978.
Thought to increase inner strength to overcome adversity , provide energy and improve self esteem .

Citrine is a macrocrystalline quartz. Natural Citrine is quite rare and is a pale yellow colour. Many Citrine stones used commercially in the jewellery industry are heat treated amethysts. The higher the temperature , the darker yellow the stone becomes.
The name Citrine is derived from `citron ` , the French for lemon.
Citrine is known as the Merchant`s Stone as it is reputed to attract wealth and prosperity and was often kept in merchant`s cash boxes.
May improve self esteem and bring positivity.

Crystal Quartz Quartz is silicon dioxide. The name crystal comes from the Greek 'ice', as this is what the stone resembles. It assists the wearer by promoting intuitive power.

Diamond The name Diamond comes from the Greek word adámas which means "unbreakable", a very apt name due to it being the hardest natural gemstone. The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were the tears of the gods or possibly even splinters that had broken off of falling stars. It was long believed that diamonds were the magical ingredients on the tips of Cupid’s arrows, making anyone struck by them fall in love. The Romans wore diamonds because these were thought to possess broad magical powers over life’s troubles, being able to give to the wearer strength, invincibility, bravery, and courage during battle. Many people would avoid fighting others who wore diamonds
The tradition of giving a diamond engagement ring is traced back to 1477,when Archduke Maximilian of Austria presented Mary of Burgundy with a simple gold band set with a diamond. He placed it on the third finger of her left hand, believing it contained a vein that coursed directly to his beloved’s heart. Diamond is the most popular stone to be found in engagement rings.

Emerald This is a precious silicate stone containing aluminium and beryllium. Emeralds are thought to improve intellect, memory, and promotes eloquence. May encourage financial success in the wearer.

Epidote Epidote is a silicate mineral, containing calcium and aluminium. This stone may strengthen well-being, stamina and energy.

Garnets form as a result of the metamorphosis of sedimentary rocks under intense heat and pressure within the Earth`s crust, often at the boundaries of moving tectonic plates.
There are several groups of Garnet , the most common being Pyrope and Alamandite , which are magnesium or iron aluminium silicates. Most Garnets are a reddish colour but Tsavorite is a lovely deep green version of Garnet.
The word Garnet originated from the Latin word for seed, `granatus`, as it resembles the seed of the pomegratate. It was worn as a protective amulet by Saxons , Celts, Native Americans and both Muslims and Christians during the Crusades .
It is a birthstone for Aquarius and it thought to protect, purify and inspire love and devotion.

This wonderfully sparkling stone is made from silica, copper oxide and other metal oxides, which have been heated and recrystallised in conditions simulating those of the Earth`s interior , where forces of intense heat and pressure operate.
The brown colour is the result if the presence of copper crystals, the blue colour results from cobalt.
It is a birthstone for Sagittarius and may help to increase self acceptance and promote vitality.

Haematite Haematite is a grey iron oxide. The name Haematite is derived from the Greek for blood, as when cut exhibits a reddish hue. Thought to be beneficial for blood disorders, high temperatures and fevers.

Jade is a complex gemstone , formed as a result of the processes of metamorphism , in areas called subduction zones, where the Plates forming the Earths crust meet and are drawn down into the layer beneath the crust called the Mantle.
Jade has two varietes Jadeite , sodium aluminium silicate and Nephrite, a calcium magnesium iron silicate.
Jade has been used by humans since Neolithic times over 5000B.C. It has always been greatly revered in Chinese culture , being a symbol of good luck and good health . It is also thought to bring harmony ,peace and virtue , attracting good luck anfd friendship
It is the birthstone for Taurus and Libra.

Jasper is an aggregate of microcrystalline quartz. It was formed as a result of the consolidation of pyroclastic materials, volcanic ash, which were cemented together with silicaceous solutions, and solidified under intense heat and pressure within the earth. Sometimes the process was so intense that the minerals melted and recrystallised . Thus this wonderful stone exhibits a neverending number of patterns and pictures.
Jasper is found in many parts of the world and often is named according to local places or traditions , such as Owyhee Jasper . Ocean Jasper, Imperial jasper , Poppy Jasper.
Jasper is the stone of inner strength , confidence and harmony. It may increase connectivity with nature and the earth. A birthstone for Aquarius and Capricorn .

Labradorite occurs in Igneous rocks such as Basalt and Gabbro and also in metamorphic rocks such as Gneiss.
A plagioclase feldspar mineral , displaying a deeply irridescent optical effect called labradorescence, so as the stone is moved it responds by changes of hue and colour. This irridescence is due to diffused light reflection , a scattering of the reflected light, from microscopic parallel intergrowths of Albite and Orthoclase minerals. Each stone displays different patterns of lines and inclusions inside its matrix, providing that individuality.
It is found largely in the province of Labrador , Canada and in Finland.
According to native Eskimo legend, the Northern lights were imprisoned in the rocks of the Labrador coast . An Eskimo warrior freed most of the Lights with a mighty strike of his spear. But some of the Lights still remained trapped in the rocks and so we are lucky to be able to find the beautiful mineral Labradorite.
A birthstone for Aquarius , Pisces and Cancer.
Labradorite is called the Stone of Transformation , providing strength and perseverance in times of change . Also may relieve anxiety and stress.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue coloured stone , often exhibiting a suble mottled pattern.
It was formed as the result of contact metamorphism , when pre existing limestone and marble rocks were changed by the intense heat and pressure of intruding magmas. The process formed the deep blue Lazurite stone . Many Lapis Lazuli stones exhibit a speckled gold or silver glint , due to the presence of shiny iron pyrites.
Lapis Lazuli was prized for its beautiful deep celestial blue colour by many ancient cultures and was used to create ultramarine colour fabric dye, favoured by royalty. Leonardo da Vinci and other Masters used Lapis Lazuli to create vibrant blue pigments for their masterpieces.
A birthstone for Capricorn and Libra. A symbol of honour , wisdom and truth . May bring harmony and inner tranquility.

Larimar is a rare variety of Pectolite, the unusual blue colour being attributed to traces of copper. This type of Pectolite is only found in The Dominican Republic. It was formed as super heated gases brought minerals from deep within the Earth to cool in volcanic pipes.
It was named by one of the discoverers after his daughter Larissa and the Spanish word for sea `mar`, hence Larimar.
Legend states that the lost city of Atlantis lies in the region of the Caribbean . It was thought that the stone was used to decorate the bulidings of Atlantis , as it was often found washed up on the beaches.
It is believed to ecourage clear thought and aid tranquility and calmness , the birthstone for Aries , Virgo and Gemini.

Leopardskin Rhyolite An igneous rock available in a multitude of patterns, dependant on it formation, usually occurring in brown, reddish and beige colours. It is believed to be a strengthening stone and helps the body’s natural defence against infections and skin conditions.

Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral, formed by the precipitation of copper rich solutions in limestone regions. It often forms stalactites, which when sliced reveal the the wonderful vivid green banding characteristic of the gemstone.
It has been used for jewellery since Ancient Egyptian times and also as a pigment by artists . It is still valued and used by skilled art restorers.
Malachite is the stone of balance and harmony, abundance , empathy and positivity .It is associated with the Demeter ,Greek goddess of the Earth and fertility. A birthstone for Taurus.

Merlinite is also known as Dendritic Agate. It is an intrusive igneous rock , consisting of white quartz with black and grey tree like dendrites of psilomelane.
Each piece is unique, so it has been a challenge to find matching stones for earrings , but we feel we have done well.
It is one of the birthstones for Aquarius . Said to improve intuition, promote prosperity and stabilize the nervous system .

Moonstone is an Orthoclase Feldspar, formed from cooling magmas deep within the Earth . As the magmas cooled at differing speeds so thin layers of the minerals Albite and Orthoclase formed . As these minerals have different reflective indexes , light entering the stone is scattered and diffused in many directions, creating the wonderful changes in colour, known as adularescence.
Moonstone may be white , blue or pink in colour .
Hindus and Roman myths suggested that moonbeams were captured and frozen in Moonstones, hence its magical appearance. It was worn as an amulet worn by ancient travellers . The Ancient Greeks suggested that two people wearing Moonstones would fall in love on the night of a full moon !
It is regarded by many cultures as the stone of femininity and is the birthstone for Cancerians. It may improve intuition and creativity ,provide a calming effect

Mother of Pearl
Mother of Pearl is the name given to an irridescent substance called nacre , created by certain molluscs. It forms the shells of pearl bearing oysters and in fact is composed of the same material as pearls. Nacre is a combination of the mineral Aragonite and a protein called conchiolin.
Oyster beds are found in the Pacific and Indian oceans and are an important source of livelihood for the island communities. The oysters health and ability to produce pearls and the nacre on their shells depends on a healthy ecosystem with a good biodiversity so it is in the interest of the pearl farmers to maintain the purity and diversity of the marine environments. Oysters themselves act as a natural cleaner as they filter impurities from the ocean waters. In 2014 Sustainable Development Goals were developed for the Pearl Industry by the UN. Australia still allows the catching of wild oysters , but under a strict quota system and with a limited number of permits being issued.
The colour of the Mother of Pearl is a result of the habitat of the mollusc and the clarity of the water.
Pearls have been valued by many cultures and were known to be worn by Persian kings over 4000 years ago.
It is thought Mother of Pearl has a relaxing , soothing and calming effect , also stimulating the imagination and increasing sensitivity. .

Onyx is a microcrystalline quartz called chalcedony, formed when silica rich solutions cooled and solidified in cavties within lavas. As the solutions cooled at different rates the characteristic banding of Onyxes was created. Many exhibit black and white banding. If the bands are wide enough , black or white segments can be cut and polished to create gemstones.
Ancient Indian and Persian civilizations believed Onyx would protect from evil , and assist with the journey of life.
Onyx is thouight to help in times of stress, improve courage, protect the wearer improve intuition and help individuals move to the next phase in their lives.
It is the birthstone for Leo and Capricorn.

Opals are often said to` dazzle` , as they catch the light in so many different ways . It often seems as if the stone changes its mood as different rainbow hues can be seen depending on the light.
Opals are created from silion dioxide solutions, which entered cracks in ancient rocks during the Cretaceous geological period. Once the water evaporated , the tiny spherical silica particles eventually created Opals. White light is refracted by these spheres and is broken up to form the colours of the spectrum .
Opal is a birthstone for Libra , Taurus and the months of October, September and November...
Opals are said to encourage stable relationships and companionship.

Paua Shell
Paua shell is found mainly in the sea waters around New Zealand . It is harvested sustainably by free divers. The mollusc which produces the shell is mainly sought after for its meat , the shell being a bi-product. The New Zealand government manages the resource by allowing the harvest of a certain number per day and these must be above a specified size.
The shells may blue , deep or pale pink in colour and exhibit wonderful swirling designs. They are made from many layers of nacre , created by the organism.
Paua Shell is a birthstone for the water signs of Pisces , Aquarius , Cancer and Scorpio. It is thought to pomote inner peace and compassion , may have a soothing and calming effect.


Pearls can be natural or cultured and are formed from nacre a substance crated by the Pearl Oysters. Nacre is a combination of the mineral Aragonite and a protein called conchiolin. Most pearls used in jewellery are cultured as natural pearls are extremely expensive.
Oyster beds are found in the Pacific and Indian oceans and are an important source of livelihood for the island communities. The oysters health and ability to produce pearls and the nacre on their shells depends on a healthy ecosystem with a good biodiversity so it is in the interest of the pearl farmers to maintain the purity and diversity of the marine environments. Oysters themselves act as a natural cleaner as they filter impurities from the ocean waters. In 2014 Sustainable Development Goals were developed for the Pearl Industry by the UN. Australia still allows the catching of wild oysters , but under a strict quota system and with a limited number of permits being issued.
The first cultured pearls were created in Japan in 1893. Cultured pearls are formed when minute pieces of sand grains are inserted into the oyster . The mollusc responds by coating the grains with several layers of nacre . This then forms the pearly layers which can be identified if the pearl is cut open .
Pearls were known in China as far back as 2000 B.C. The Romans valued them as a status symbol. Legend states that they were formed from dewdrops which were swallowed by oysters as they fell into the sea. A lovely thought !
They are a birthstone for Gemini and Cancer. They are a symbol of femininity fertility and longevity.
Peridot Peridot is a variety of the mineral Olivene, formed deep below the Earth`s crust in a region known as the Upper Mantle, 20-55 miles below the surface. It surfaces during volcanic eruptions as lavas which form intrusive igneous rocks such as basalt.
Peridot has also been found in some meteorites, though these peridots are very rare and expensive.
It was known as the Gem of the Sun by Ancient Egyptians . To the Romans it was the Evening Emerald , due to its capacity to reflect light and shimmer even during twilight.
It is a beautiful light green colour and is the birthstone for Leo and Cancer. It is said to encourage peace, success , attract love, dispel negativity, provide strength.

Prehnite Is a calcium aluminium silicate hydroxide, formed as the result of metamorphic processes within the Earth . It usually a soft apple green colour, but can also be found in yellow, orange, and blue.
Deposits were found in South Africa , and the gemstone was used by local people to improve contact with spirit beings , especially through dreams.
It is thought to enhance love and healing processes and is one of the birthstones for Libra.

Rhodochrosite Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral, it is typically a rose-red colour. It was first recorded in the silver mines of Romania and is often associated with silver deposits. M The word Rhodochrosite comes from the Geek Rhodon (Rose) and Chroma (Colour); it is also sometimes called 'Rosa de Inca', 'Inca Rose' or 'Rosinca' as the Incas believed Rhodochrosite was the blood of the ancestral rulers turned to stone. The pink banded stone is believed to help prevent emotional traumas and helps build courage and acceptance.

Rose Quartz A popular semi-precious stone, consisting of quartz with traces of titanium. It is known as 'The Venus Stone', as it promotes love and friendship and makes the wearer more receptive to beauty. When worn, emotions are calmed inducing a feeling of inner peace and increasing self-confidence.

Ruby Ruby consists of the mineral corundum, which is an aluminium oxide. The red colouration is attributed to a small presence of chromium . Rubies are created deep within the Earth usually in igneous or metamorphic rock structures. They are the second hardest gemstones after diamonds.
Found mainly in south east Asia , the Burmese(Myanmar) rubies are usually the best quality.
Rubies have been associated with courage and blood, Often worn on the left side of the body by Burmese warriors for protection.
Rubies are associated with love , nurturing and compasssion and as such are often found in engagement rings.

Sapphire Sapphire is a blue variety of Corrundum, the second hardest naturally occurring mineral. The main sapphire-bearing rocks are marbles and basaltic lavas. Oriental monarchs wore sapphires believing them to be a defense against all harm. Sapphire is the stone of friendship, truth and wisdom. It may induces peace of mind and brings good fortune, relieve insomnia and nervous disorders

Smoky Quartz A stone of the crystalline quartz family which appears in dark smoky brown to black shades. Smoky Quartz is believed to discourage negative energy and give good luck.

Snowflake Obsidian
Obsidian is formed when lava cools very rapidly , not allowing time for crystals to form , hence it resembles very smooth black glass. If it cools slightly more slowly and the mineral cristobalite is present, then white snowflake-like specks appear in the Obsidian , creating this magical effect.
Snowflake Obsidian is used as a protective amulet , it may absorb negativity and stress.

The dark blue matrix of sodalite , with the creamy pale orange inclusions , resemble the evening sky covered in clouds.
The stone is a tectosilicate, found in igneous rocks crystallized from sodium rich magmas. It is a relatively recenly discoverd gemstone, the first findings were located in southern Greenland in 1811. It became more polular after the Canadian mines were opened and visited by Princess Particia of England in the 1900`s. She subsequently ordered several tons to be delivered to decorate the interior of Malborough House in London, hence the term The Princess Stone was coined.
The stone is thought to bring emotional balance, relieve panic attacks, enhance self esteem and bring wisdom . A birthstone for Sagittarius.

Tanzanite Tanzanite is a zoisite mineral, found in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. It was introduced to the jewellery trade by New York jewellers Tiffany & Co. The stone may help to achieve goals by promoting strength and leadership.

Tiger’s Eye
Tiger`s Eye is formed as a result of metamorphic processes within the Earth. Fibres of the mineral crocidolite are replaced by bands of silica.
The stone exhibits chatoyancy, which means that as it is moved , reflecting the light ,it gleams like the eye of a tiger.
Tiger`s Eye is thought to release anxieties. aid harmony and improve decision making . It is one of the birthstones for Leo and Gemini.

Topaz is a silicate mineral consisting of aluminium and fluorine, formed during the crystallization of igneous rocks, especially granite and rhyolite.
Blue is the most popular colour for jewellery, although yellow is more abundant.
Dramatic Blue Topaz is often worn at glamorous events , The Ducess of Cambridge, Taylor Swift , Katy Perry and others have been spotted wearing the gemstone.
It is the birthstone for Scorpio, Aries , Taurus , Sagittarius.
Topaz is said to bring peace and tranquility , aiding in the process of meditation. May also protect from enemies and bring reconciliation to disputes.

Many legends associate Tourmaline with Rainbows, probably because it is found in so many colours, the most common being pink and green.
One legend states that Tourmaline was created in rocks at the base of a rainbow. Another attributes the multi coloured stone to the anger of an ugly evil spirit , who was so enraged by the beauty of a rainbow that he broke pieces off the rainbow and smashed them into the earth.
Tourmaline is in fact a complex boron silicate formed from hot mineral rich solutions penetrating fissures within igneous rocks, and crystalizing in them . When discoved by the Portugueses in Brazil, it was thought to be emeralds and rubies.
A birthstone for Leo , said to increase self confidence and mental alertness , relive stress and fear.

Turquoise is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium, a combination which creates the beautiful bright blue/green hues characteristic of the stone.
It is formed when copper rich solutions percolate into pre-existing rocks. The water content evaporates, the copper combines with aluminim and phosphorous to form Turquoise. Often a patchwork of the original stone remains within the Turquoise, providing a uniqueness to each stone.
Found mainly in arid areas such as Mexico, Southern U.S.A. and Iran, as the dry, hot climate assists in its formation.
Turquoise has been used as an adornment for over 6000 years, being found in the burial chambers of ancient civilizations.
Called “The Breath of Life” by the Native Americans, reminding humans of their Spitituality. Said to attract good luck and friendships, instill calm and alleviate depressions.
It is the birthstone for Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Unakite is formed when granite rocks are altered by the heat and pressure of hydrothermal activity. It consists of green Epidote, pink Orthoclase Feldspar and clear Quartz. Originally found in the Unakas mountains of North Carolina , U.S.A.
An unusual stone which is thought to facilitate compassion and nurturing , helping to overcome difficult issues.
Unakite is formed when granite rocks are altered by the heat and pressure of hydrothermal activity. It consists of green Epidote, pink Orthoclase Feldspar and clear Quartz. Originally found in the Unakas mountains of North Carolina , U.S.A.
An unusual stone which is thought to facilitate compassion and nurturing , helping to overcome difficult issues and anxiety.

Variscite It is sometimes confused with turquoise; however, variscite is usually greener in colour. Variscite is said to bring peace and harmony, and relieves stress.
